‘They've Lost It’: A Balancing Act: MVRDV and the Language of Marketing
Knikker, Jan
‘They've Lost It’: A Balancing Act: MVRDV and the Language of Marketing - Wiley 2019 - Vol 89, ISsue 6, 2019 : (104-109 p.)
Jan Knikker spent a decade honing the public and professional image of OMA before joining MVRDV, another Rotterdam‐based international practice, in 2008 and running its business development, contracts and public relations. He describes MVRDV's corporate communications with clients, which are built on a foundation of speaking their language and being pragmatic. The downside is that not communicating in the sophist ways of the profession can alienate architects from themselves.
‘They've Lost It’: A Balancing Act: MVRDV and the Language of Marketing - Wiley 2019 - Vol 89, ISsue 6, 2019 : (104-109 p.)
Jan Knikker spent a decade honing the public and professional image of OMA before joining MVRDV, another Rotterdam‐based international practice, in 2008 and running its business development, contracts and public relations. He describes MVRDV's corporate communications with clients, which are built on a foundation of speaking their language and being pragmatic. The downside is that not communicating in the sophist ways of the profession can alienate architects from themselves.