Intelligent cities:

Komninos, Nicos

Intelligent cities: innovation, knowledge systems and digital space / Nicos Komninos - London: Spon Press, 2002. - xi, 301 p.

Introduction. Origins, Structure and Contents. Chapter 1. Innovation is an Island. Part I: Technopoles and Science Parks: Innovation as Spatial Proximity. Chapter 2. Districts and Technopoles in Europe. Chapter 3. Technology Poles in the Less Favoured Regions of Europe. Chapter 4. The Weak Link. Part II: Innovating Regions: Innovation as an Institution. Chapter 5. Regional Innovation Strategies in Europe. Chapter 6. Regional Versus National Innovation Strategies. Chapter 7. Technology Intelligence in Innovating Regions. Part III: Intelligent Cities: Islands of Innovation Meet the Digital World. Chapter 8. Intelligent Cities: Islands of Innovation Become Digital. Chapter 9. Real-Virtual Technopoles. Chapter 10. Real-Virtual Regional Innovation Systems. Bibliography. Index.


Innovations - Europe.

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