H.T.U. Smith (1965) dune morphology and chronology in central and western Nebraska. The Journal of Geology 73(4): 557–578/

Anzah, Faisal

H.T.U. Smith (1965) dune morphology and chronology in central and western Nebraska. The Journal of Geology 73(4): 557–578/ - Sage, 2019. - Vol 43, issue 6, 2019 : (855-861 p.).

Climatic geomorphologists, and eolian geomorphologists in particular, have always been interested in studying dunes to understand and construct past climatic conditions. Smith’s 1965 paper presents an excellent example of a reconnaissance piece of scientific work that set the foundation for (1) using aerial photo-interpretation to provide chronological information about dune fields; (2) the use of eolian processes and landforms as climate change indicators; and (3) extraterrestrial or planetary geomorphology. This article briefly describes Smith’s background, background on Nebraska Sand Hills, and the impact and legacy of Smith’s classic paper.

Keywords Eolian geomorphology,
aerial photo-interpretation,
H.T.U. Smith,
Nebraska Sand Hills,
sand dunes,
climate change

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