Restructuring the public realm around transit station case Madan Mahal Railway station area, Jabalpur/
Hardaha, Chhaya
Restructuring the public realm around transit station case Madan Mahal Railway station area, Jabalpur/ Chhaya Hardaha; under the guidance of Anand Wadwekar - Bhopal: School of Planning and Architecture, 2022. - 115p.
Master of Architecture (Urban Design)
Public realm
Transit station
Madan Mahal Railway station
Restructuring the public realm around transit station case Madan Mahal Railway station area, Jabalpur/ Chhaya Hardaha; under the guidance of Anand Wadwekar - Bhopal: School of Planning and Architecture, 2022. - 115p.
Master of Architecture (Urban Design)
Public realm
Transit station
Madan Mahal Railway station