Small is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered /
Schumacher E.F.
Small is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered / Schumacher E.F. - London: Vintage Books, 2011. - xi,: 259 p.
Digital talbok (DAISY 2.02), text och ljud.
Elektronisk version av: [Ny utg.]. London : Vintage, 1993. ISBN 0-09-922561-1, 978-0-09-922561-4 (genererat).
Speltid: 9 tim., 27 min. : mono; 260 s.
Inläst med talsyntes.
Part I The modern world--
Part II Resources--
Part III The third world--
Paert IV Organisation and ownership.
330 / SCH-S
Small is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered / Schumacher E.F. - London: Vintage Books, 2011. - xi,: 259 p.
Digital talbok (DAISY 2.02), text och ljud.
Elektronisk version av: [Ny utg.]. London : Vintage, 1993. ISBN 0-09-922561-1, 978-0-09-922561-4 (genererat).
Speltid: 9 tim., 27 min. : mono; 260 s.
Inläst med talsyntes.
Part I The modern world--
Part II Resources--
Part III The third world--
Paert IV Organisation and ownership.
330 / SCH-S