Design, Data and Liveability: The Role of Technology Within the Future of an Expanded Profession/

Berkel, Ben van

Design, Data and Liveability: The Role of Technology Within the Future of an Expanded Profession/ - Wiley, 2020. - Vol 90, Issue 2, 2020:( 58-65 p.).

Ben van Berkel, co-founder of Amsterdam-based UNStudio, believes that architectural practice has been invigorated by the myriad of cultural, societal and technologic parameters that a contemporary architect must consider. The practice recently formed a spinoff company, UNSense, to develop and commercialise technologies emerging out of UNStudio's smart city and smart environment projects. Here he describes some of the products, prototypes and startups the studio has developed to help tackle some of the important issues of our time: stress, urban water and climate change.

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