Climate Change : a Geographical Perspective/
Suryawanshi, Sunil Pandurang
Climate Change : a Geographical Perspective/ Sunil Pandurang Suryawanshi - New Delhi: Serials Publications LTD.,
Earth's as surface is warming due to green house gases like CO, GIHGs, CH, etc. which emits largely from burning fossil fuels. Deforestation, industrialization, urbenization etc are responsible for global warming, due to which earth's overall climate get change. If the global temperature rises, as projected, sea levels would rise by several meters, causing wide spread flooding. Global warming also could cause droughts and disrupt agriculture.
There is a great impact of climate change on weather, sea level rise, marine biodiversity, health etc. Climate means mask of extremes of the meteorological elements encountered day to day life. Geographically green house gases are responsible for climate change.
Green house gas
Global warming
Climate Change : a Geographical Perspective/ Sunil Pandurang Suryawanshi - New Delhi: Serials Publications LTD.,
Earth's as surface is warming due to green house gases like CO, GIHGs, CH, etc. which emits largely from burning fossil fuels. Deforestation, industrialization, urbenization etc are responsible for global warming, due to which earth's overall climate get change. If the global temperature rises, as projected, sea levels would rise by several meters, causing wide spread flooding. Global warming also could cause droughts and disrupt agriculture.
There is a great impact of climate change on weather, sea level rise, marine biodiversity, health etc. Climate means mask of extremes of the meteorological elements encountered day to day life. Geographically green house gases are responsible for climate change.
Green house gas
Global warming