Concrete technology /

Neville, A.M.

Concrete technology / by A. M. Neville - Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, 2008. - 452 p.

1. Concrete As A Structural Material. --
2. Cement. --
3. Normal Aggregate. --
4. Quality Of Water. --
5. Fresh Concrete. --
6. Strength Of Concrete. --
7. Mixing, Handling, Placing And Compacting Concrete. --
8. Admixtures. --
9. Temperature Problems In Concreting. --
10. Development Of Strength. --
11. Other Strength Properties. --
12. Elasticity And Creep. --
13. Deformation And Cracking Independent Of Load. --
14. Permeability And Durability. --
15. Resistance To Freezing And Thawing. --
16. Testing. --
17. Compliance With Specifications. --
18. Lightweight Concrete. --
19. Mix Design. --
20. Special Concretes.



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