Structural analysis /

Bhavikatti, S.S.

Structural analysis / S. S.Bhavikatti - 3rd - Noida: Vikas Publishing, 2010. - ix, 426 p.

2.Deflection of determinate beams using moment area and conjugate beam methods--
3.Deflection of beams and rigid frames by energy methods --
4.deflection of pin-Jointed plane frames--
5.Moving load and influence liners for beams--
6.Influence lines for bridge trusses--
7.Three hinged arches --
8.Cables and suspension bridges --
9. Introduction to analysis of indeterminate structures --
10.Analysis of of pin-connected indeterminate frames by consistent deformation method--
11.Analysis of indeterminate beams and rigid frames by consistent deformation method --
12.Three moment equation.
11.Analysis of



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