High Voltage Electricity Installations: a Planning Perspective /

Jay, Stephen A.

High Voltage Electricity Installations: a Planning Perspective / by Stephen A. Jay - West Sussex: John Wiley, 2006. - xvi,: 314 p.

Ch. 1. Introduction --
Ch. 2. High-voltage distribution and transmission in England and Wales --
Ch. 3. The development plan system in England and Wales --
Ch. 4. An approach to the analysis of HVDT-related policy --
Ch. 5. HVDT-related policy across England and Wales --
Ch. 6. Case studies (1) : urbanised areas --
Ch. 7. Case studies (2) : rural areas --
Ch. 8. Case studies (3) : town-rural areas --
Ch. 9. Analysis of the case studies --
Ch. 10. The formation of HVDT-related policy --
Ch. 11. Conclusions.

The presence of high voltage power lines has provoked widespread concern for many years. High Voltage Electricity Installations presents an in-depth study of policy surrounding the planning of high voltage installations, discussing the manner in which they are percieved by the public, and the associated environmental issues. An analysis of these concerns, along with the geographical, environmental and political influences that shape their expression, is presented. Investigates local planning policy in an area of the energy sector that is of highly topical environmental and public concernCovers.


Planning--Non Fiction
Environment--Non Fiction

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