Wealth from Waste: Trends and Technologies/

Wealth from Waste: Trends and Technologies/ edited by Banwari Lal - New Delhi: Teri Press, 2011. - xii,457 p.

2.Bioethanol production from Lignocellulosics : an overview --
3.Bioethanol : a status review on metabolic pathway modification of certain ethnological bacteria through genetic engineering --
4.Bioethanol production technologies economics,environment impact and policy issues--
5.Bio-hydrogen: application and future prospects--
6.Methanogenesis form agro-industrial residues: potential and prospects--
7.Biomass -gassifier -based decentralized energy solution : technology ,Potential problems and research --
8.Industrial solid waste --
9.Coal -bed methane--
10.Bioreactors for waste water treatment --
11.Ceramic membrane filters form waste fly ash and their applications--
12.Technological option for municipal solid waste management --
13.Technology trends and opportunities in co generation--
14.Environment regulation for waste management in India


Recycling Waste--Waste Management--India--21st Century--Non Fiction
Solid Waste Management
Sustainable Development
Zero Waste Movemen
Waste Valorization

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