
Crampton, Jeremy W.

Mapping: a critical introduction to cartography and GIS / by Jeremy W. Crampton - West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2010. - xii,218 p.

1.Maps a perverse sense of the unseemly --
2.What is critique--
3.Maps 2.0 Map mashups and new spatial media--
4.What is critical cartography and GIS--
5.How mapping became scientific--
6.Governing with maps : cartographic political economy--
7.The political history of cartographic deconstructed : harley,Gall, and peters --
8.GIS after critique : what next --
9. Geosurveillance and spying with maps--
10.Cyberspace and spying with maps --
11.The cartographic construction of race and identity--
12.The poetics of space : Art, beauty and imagination--
13.Epilogue : beyond the cartographic anxiety--



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