One planet communities :

Desai, Pooran

One planet communities : a real-life guide to sustainable living / Pooran Desai - West Sussex: John Wiley, 2010. - 216 p.

Using ecological foot printing to define sustainability --
Think Lifestyles--lessons from the Bed ZED eco-village --
Understanding CO[subscript 2], greenhouse gases and ecological footprint --
From green buildings to sustainable infrastructure --
Zero carbon zero waste communities --
A closer look at zero carbon and zero waste --
Connect your community locally --
Health, happiness and multiple benefits of green space --
Compact and car-free--simply a better city --
One planet living--philosophy, story and set of principles --
Design and construction of one planet communities --
Start with the long term--governance and estates management --
Sell the dream --
Retrofit one planet lifestyles --
Keep one eye on the future.

The approach which links the science of ecological foot printing to a simple framework of principles, and how the framework is being applied to create a coherent approach to projects in the UK, Europe, USA, South Africa, the Middle East, China and Australia, It also draws on other examples of best practice from around the world.


Community development
Sustainable development.
Community development -- Environmental aspects.

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