Risk and variability in geotechnical engineering /
Risk and variability in geotechnical engineering /
edited by M. A. Hicks.
- London : Thomas Telford, 2007.
- 225 p.
1.Random field characterisation of stress-normalised cone penetration testing parameters / M. Uzielli, G. Vannucchi and K.K. Phoon.--
2. On horizontal variability in line-cement columns in deep mixing / S. Larsson, H. Stille and L. Olsson.--
3. Non-parametric simulation of geotechnnical variability / P.L. Bourdeau and J.I. Amundaray.--
4. Towards reliable and effective site investigations / M.B. Jaksa ... [et al.].--
5. Towards reliable and effective site investigations / R. Baker.--
6. Stochastic evaluation of static liquefactin in a predominantly dilative sand fill / M.A. Hicks and C. Onisiphorou.--
7. 3D effects in seismic liquefaction of stochastically variable soil deposits / R. Popescu, J.H. Prevost and G. Deodatis. Deterministic/stochastic model to predict the variation in bulk modulus of chalk / F. Collin ... [et al.]. --
Chararcterisation of model uncertainties for laterally loaded rigid drilled shafts / K.-K. Phoon and F.H. Kulhawy. Generic approach 8.to soil --
structure interactoin considering the effects of soil heterogeneity / D. Breysse ... [et al.]. Probablisitic limiting tolerable displacements for serviceability limit state design of foundations / L.M. Zhang and A.M.Y Ng. Paratial factors calibration based on reliability analyses for square footings on granular soils / Y. Honjo and S. Amatya. Reliability-based design applied to retaining walls / B.K. Low. Reliability of traditional retaining wall design / G.A. Fenton, D.V. Griffiths and M.B. Williams. Influence of soil heterogeneity on load redistribution and settlement of a hyperstatic three support frame / L. Houy, D. Breysse and A. Denis. Geostatistical method for analysing soil displacement from underground urban construction / M. El. Gonnouni, Y. Riou and P.Y. Hicher. Probabilistic assessment of stability of a cut slope in residual soil / H. El-Ramly, N.R. Morgenstern and D.M. Cruden. Realistic assessment of slope reliability for effective landslide hazard management / R.W.M. Cheung and W.H. Tang. Rainfall-induced slope fa
Soil mechanics--Mathematical models--Congresses.
Geotechnical engineering--Congresses.
1.Random field characterisation of stress-normalised cone penetration testing parameters / M. Uzielli, G. Vannucchi and K.K. Phoon.--
2. On horizontal variability in line-cement columns in deep mixing / S. Larsson, H. Stille and L. Olsson.--
3. Non-parametric simulation of geotechnnical variability / P.L. Bourdeau and J.I. Amundaray.--
4. Towards reliable and effective site investigations / M.B. Jaksa ... [et al.].--
5. Towards reliable and effective site investigations / R. Baker.--
6. Stochastic evaluation of static liquefactin in a predominantly dilative sand fill / M.A. Hicks and C. Onisiphorou.--
7. 3D effects in seismic liquefaction of stochastically variable soil deposits / R. Popescu, J.H. Prevost and G. Deodatis. Deterministic/stochastic model to predict the variation in bulk modulus of chalk / F. Collin ... [et al.]. --
Chararcterisation of model uncertainties for laterally loaded rigid drilled shafts / K.-K. Phoon and F.H. Kulhawy. Generic approach 8.to soil --
structure interactoin considering the effects of soil heterogeneity / D. Breysse ... [et al.]. Probablisitic limiting tolerable displacements for serviceability limit state design of foundations / L.M. Zhang and A.M.Y Ng. Paratial factors calibration based on reliability analyses for square footings on granular soils / Y. Honjo and S. Amatya. Reliability-based design applied to retaining walls / B.K. Low. Reliability of traditional retaining wall design / G.A. Fenton, D.V. Griffiths and M.B. Williams. Influence of soil heterogeneity on load redistribution and settlement of a hyperstatic three support frame / L. Houy, D. Breysse and A. Denis. Geostatistical method for analysing soil displacement from underground urban construction / M. El. Gonnouni, Y. Riou and P.Y. Hicher. Probabilistic assessment of stability of a cut slope in residual soil / H. El-Ramly, N.R. Morgenstern and D.M. Cruden. Realistic assessment of slope reliability for effective landslide hazard management / R.W.M. Cheung and W.H. Tang. Rainfall-induced slope fa
Soil mechanics--Mathematical models--Congresses.
Geotechnical engineering--Congresses.