Wastewater irrigation and health:

Drechsel , Pay, ed.

Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries / edited by Pay Drechsel - London: Earthscan, 2010.

1: Wastewater, Sludge and Excreta Use in Developing Countries: An Overview--
2: Assessing and Mitigating Wastewater Related Health Risks in Low-Income Countries: An Introduction--
Part II: Risks and Risk Assessment --
3: Risk Analysis and Epidemiology: The 2006 WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture--
4: Approaches to Evaluate and Develop Health Risk-Based Standards Using Available Data --
5: Tools for Risk Analysis: Updating the 2006 WHO Guidelines--
6: Non-Pathogenic Tradeoffs of Wastewater Irrigation --
7: Risk Analysis Integrating Livelihood and Economic Impacts of Wastewater Irrigation on Health --
Part III: Minimizing Health Risks--
8: Wastewater Treatment for Pathogen Removal and Nutrient Conservation: Suitable Systems for Use in Developing Countries--
9: Low-Cost Options for Pathogen Reduction and Nutrient Recovery from Faecal Sludge--
10: Farm-Based Measures for Reducing Microbiological Health Risks for Consumers from Informal Wastewater-Irrigated Agriculture --
11: Farm-Based Measures for Reducing Human and Environmental Health Risks from Chemical Constituents in Wastewater--
12: Applying the Multiple-Barrier Approach for Microbial Risk Reduction in the Post-Harvest Sector of Wastewater Irrigated Vegetables--
13: Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Interventions for Diarrhoea Disease Reduction among Consumers of Wastewater-Irrigated Lettuce in Ghana--
Part IV: Wastewater Governance and Adoption of Risk Reduction Options--
14: Challenging Conventional Approaches to Wastewater Use in Agriculture--
15: Designing Reuse-Oriented Sanitation Infrastructure: The Design for Service Planning Approach--
16: Facilitating the Adoption of Food Safety Interventions in the Street Food Sector and on Farm --
17: Harnessing Farmers' Knowledge and Perceptions for Health Risk Reduction in Wastewater Irrigated Agriculture --
]18: Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Managing Wastewater Use in Agriculture --
Part V: Conclusions and Outlook--
19: Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Challenges and Outlook for Mitigating Risks in Low-Income Countries

In most developing countries wastewater treatment systems are hardly functioning or have a very low coverage, resulting in large scale water pollution. This book approaches this serious problem from a practical and realistic perspective, addressing the issues of health risk assessment and reduction in developing country settings.


Sewage irrigation --Developing countries

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