Rural and urban :
Rural and urban : architecture between two cultures /
edited by Andrew Ballantyne
- Oxon : Routledge, 2010.
- xv, 214 p.
Contents: Rural and urban milieux / by Andrew Ballantyne and Gillian Ince -- Villeggiatura in the urban context of Renaissance Rome: Paul III Farnese's villa-tower on the Campidoglio / by Antonella de Michelis -- Rural urbanism / by Dana Arnold -- Anti-urban utopia in the German Aufklärung and its consequences for architectural discourse: the ideology of Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorff's architecture / by Marc Brabant -- Urban meets rural: a study of three eighteenth-century retreats on the Isle of Wight / by Stewart Abbott -- The picturesque bourgeois house at the edges of the neoclassical city / by Philippe Gresset -- "Such a magnificent farmstead in my opinion asks for a muddy pool": rural buildings and the search of a "regional" architecture in Belgium / by Leen Meganck and Linda van Santvoort -- Nature and the city in 1920s America: Sunnyside Gardens, Queens, New York / by Bruce Thomas -- Rurality as a locus of modernity: Romanian interwar architecture / by Carmen Popescu -- Is the kibbutz a "radiant village"?: Le Corbusier and the Zionist movement / by Marina Epstein-Pliouchtch and Tzafrir Fainholtz -- An unlikely influence: Le Corbusier and the garden city movement / by Emma Dummett -- From the "model village" to a satellite town: reading change in Temelli through the transformation of its residential landscape / by Ali Cengizkan and Didem Kiliçkiran.
Architecture and society
720.103 / RUR
Contents: Rural and urban milieux / by Andrew Ballantyne and Gillian Ince -- Villeggiatura in the urban context of Renaissance Rome: Paul III Farnese's villa-tower on the Campidoglio / by Antonella de Michelis -- Rural urbanism / by Dana Arnold -- Anti-urban utopia in the German Aufklärung and its consequences for architectural discourse: the ideology of Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorff's architecture / by Marc Brabant -- Urban meets rural: a study of three eighteenth-century retreats on the Isle of Wight / by Stewart Abbott -- The picturesque bourgeois house at the edges of the neoclassical city / by Philippe Gresset -- "Such a magnificent farmstead in my opinion asks for a muddy pool": rural buildings and the search of a "regional" architecture in Belgium / by Leen Meganck and Linda van Santvoort -- Nature and the city in 1920s America: Sunnyside Gardens, Queens, New York / by Bruce Thomas -- Rurality as a locus of modernity: Romanian interwar architecture / by Carmen Popescu -- Is the kibbutz a "radiant village"?: Le Corbusier and the Zionist movement / by Marina Epstein-Pliouchtch and Tzafrir Fainholtz -- An unlikely influence: Le Corbusier and the garden city movement / by Emma Dummett -- From the "model village" to a satellite town: reading change in Temelli through the transformation of its residential landscape / by Ali Cengizkan and Didem Kiliçkiran.
Architecture and society
720.103 / RUR