Water resources and development /

Agnew, Clive,

Water resources and development / Clive Agnew and Philip Woodhouse. - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, c2011. - xi, 343 p. :

1.Water management best practice in the twenty-first century --
2.Economic growth, environmental limits, and increasing water demand --
3.Climate change and fresh water resources --
4.Water resources in colonial and post-independence agricultural development --
5.Water supply --
6.Water demand --
7.Catchments and conflicts --
8.Water management conclusions.

Since the start of the twenty-first century there has been an unprecedented focus upon water as a key factor in the future of both society and environment. Water management lies at the heart of strategies of development as does the added the hazard of climate change. Water Resources and Development provides a stimulating interdisciplinary introduction to the role of water resources in shaping opportunities and constraints for development. The book begins by charting the evolution of approaches to water management .

9780415451390 9780415451376 9780203840658

Water resources development.
Water resources development--Environmental aspects.


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