Climate change at the city scale :

Climate change at the city scale : impacts, mitigation and adaptation in Cape Town / edited by Anton Cartwright...[] - London : Routledge, 2012. - xiv, 277 p. : ill.

Include bibliographical reference and index.

Introduction --
1. Climate at the city scale : the Cape Town climate think tank / Anton Cartwright, Gregg Oelopse, Susan Parnell and Sarah Ward--
2. Understanding Cape Town’s climate /Mark Tadross, Anna Taylor and Peter Johnston --
3. Understanding the risks to Cape Town of inundation from the sea / GeoffBrundrit and Anton Cartwright--
4. Potential impact of climate change on coastal flooding : a case study of the Salt River, Cape Town / Rhydar Harris, Stephen Luger, Cathy Sutherland and Mark Tadross --
5. Energy scenarios for Cape Town : exploring the implications of different energy futures for the city up to 2050 / Mark Borchers and Yvonne Lewis--
6. Opportunities and challenges in establishing a low carbon zone in the Western Cape Province / Yvonne Lewis and Meagan Jooste --
7. Cities and climate change ex abundanti cautela--"From an excess of caution"? / Jaap de Visser --
8. Climate change and possible legal liability: implications for the city of Cape Town / Debbie Collier and Jan Glazewski --
9. Towards a climate resilient and low carbon city of Cape Town: climate change, planning law and practice / Jan Glazewski --
10. Reducing the pathology of risk: developing an integrated municipal coastal protection zone for the city of Cape Town / Darryl Colenbrander, Catherine Sutherland, Gregg Oelofse, Howard Gold and Sakhile Tsotsobe --
11. Supporting city-scale decisions in the context of climate change : the case of the city of Cape Town / Anton Cartwright, Brett Cohen, David Liddell --
12. The coastal cities climate change adaptation network / Susan Parnell -- Conclusion.
13. City of Cape Town solar water heater by-law : barriers to implementation / Jan Froestad, Clifford Shearing, Tom Herbstein and Sakina Grimwood --


Global warming
Climate change--Risk management--South Africa-Cape Town
Climate change mitigation--South Africa-Cape Town

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