Drawers of water :

White, Gilbert F.

Drawers of water : domestic water use in East Africa / by Gilbert F. White, David J. Bradley and Anne U. White ; illustrated by Tag Ahmed - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1972. - xii, 306 p., 8 unnamed plates : ill.

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. Water in domestic use ---
2. Diverse environment ---
3. Water improvements ---
4. The individual cost of obtaining water ---
5. Water use ---
6. Costs and benefits of water: health ---
7. Total social costs ---
8. An elementary choice ---
9. Water, community well-being and public policy.

This unusual book belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in rural development in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, and it must be read and studied by those who are in any way involved in water supply and sanitation for rural areas in developing countries. Its emphasis is on water supply for individual households in rural areas, a field of study and investment largely neglected up to now.


Water supply--Africa, East
Water resources development --Africa, East

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