Advanced surveying:
Gopi, Satheesh
Advanced surveying: total station, GIS and remote sensing / by Gopi Satheesh - Noida: Pearson, 2007. - xv, 352 p.
1.Fundamental concepts of GIS--
2.GIS data models--
3.Data acquisitions--
4.Maps and map projections--
5.The coordinate system--
6.Application of GIS--
7.Basics of total station--
8.Election distance measurement ( EDM )
9.Surveying using total station --
10.Data collection procedures--
11.Automatic level , digital level and optical theodolites --
12.Aerial surveying --
13.Fundamentals of remote sensing .
526.9 / GOP-A
Advanced surveying: total station, GIS and remote sensing / by Gopi Satheesh - Noida: Pearson, 2007. - xv, 352 p.
1.Fundamental concepts of GIS--
2.GIS data models--
3.Data acquisitions--
4.Maps and map projections--
5.The coordinate system--
6.Application of GIS--
7.Basics of total station--
8.Election distance measurement ( EDM )
9.Surveying using total station --
10.Data collection procedures--
11.Automatic level , digital level and optical theodolites --
12.Aerial surveying --
13.Fundamentals of remote sensing .
526.9 / GOP-A