Reducing poverty and sustaining the environment:

Reducing poverty and sustaining the environment: the politics of local engagement / edited by Stephen Bass - London: Earthscan, 2005. - xxv, 318 p.

1.Introduction –
2. Creating Space for Civil Society in an Impoverished Environment in Pakistan—
3. The Bioplan: Decreasing Poverty in Manizales, Colombia, through Shared Environmental Management –
4. Environment-Poverty Linkages: Managing Natural Resources in China—
5.The Evolving Roles of Environmental Management Institutions in East Africa: From Conservation to Poverty Reduction—
6.Stories on the Environment and Conflict from Northern Nigeria—
7.The Sea is our Garden: Coastal Resource Management and Local Governance in the Caribbean—
8.Working for Water' in a Democratic South Africa –
9.People, Perspectives and Reality: Usangu Myths and Other Stories, Tanzania—
10.Community-designed, built and managed Toilet Blocks in Indian Cities—
11. Concertaci n (Reaching Agreement) and Planning for Sustainable Development in Ilo,



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