Traveling light :

Lucado, Max.

Traveling light : releasing the burdens you were never intended to bear / Max Lucado. - pages cm

1.The luggage of life --
2.The middle c of life : the burden of a lesser god --
3.I'll do it my way : the burden of self-reliance --
4.The prison of want : the burden of discontent --
5.I will give you rest : the burden of weariness --
6.Whaddifs and howells : the burden of worry --
7.It's a jungle out there : the burden of hopelessness --
8.A heavenly exchange : the burden of guilt --
9.Get over yourself : the burden of arrogance --
10.I will lead you home : the burden of the grave --
11.When mourning comes : the burden of grief --
12.From panic to peace : the burden of fear --
13.Silent nights and solitary days : the burden of loneliness --
14.The crowing rooster and me : the burden of shame --
15.Slippery sheep and healed hurts : the burden of disappointment --
16.Jam session : the burden of envy --
17.God's loving pursuit : the burden of doubt --
18.Almost heaven : the burden of homesickness.

9781606713464 1606713469

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