Economics of sustainable tourism /

Economics of sustainable tourism / edited by Fabio Cerina , - Oxon: Routledge, 2012. - xii,: 192p.

Chapter 1: Time Series Modelling of Tourism Demand from the USA, Japan and Malaysia to Thailand Yaovarate Chaovanapoonphol, Christine Lim, Michael McAleer and Aree Wiboonpongse --
Chapter 2: Determinants of Tourist Satisfaction at Sun and Sand Mass Destinations Joaquin Marin Alegre and Jaume Garau Taberner--
Chapter 3: Determinant Attitudes to Tourism in a Mass Tourist Destination: A Comparative-Static Analysis Eugeni Aguilo-Perez and Jaume Rossello-Nadal--
Chapter 4: A Panel Data Analysis of Residential Water Demand in a Mediterranean Tourist Region: the Case of Sardinia Vania Statzu and Elisabetta Strazzera --
Chapter 5: Pollution Adverse Tourists and Growth Fabio Cerina and Sauveur Giannoni --
Chapter 6: On the relationship between tourism and trade Maria Santana-Gallego, Francisco J. Ledesma-Rodriguez and Jorge V. Perez-Rodriguez --
Chapter 7: Evaluating Labour Productivity of Diversifying Rural Tourism: Evidence from Japan Yasuo Ohe --
Chapter 8: Clustering tourism destinations by means composite indexes of sustainability Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernandez and Marcelino Sanchez-Rivero--
Chapter 9: Equilibrium dynamics and local indeterminacy in a model of sustainable tourism Giovanni Bella --
Chapter 10: How tourism can help preserve cultural heritage sites: Constructing optimal entrance fee schemes to collect visitors' WTP for the world heritage site My Son in Vietnam Tran Huu Tuan and Stale Navrud

Tourism is one of the world's largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors helping to generate income and employment for local people. At the same time, it has many negative outsourced effects on the environment and local culture. Achieving a more sustainable pattern of tourism development is high on the global agenda aiming to meet human needs while preserving the environment now and for the future. The Economics of Sustainable Tourism aims to critically explore how tourism economic development can move closer to a sustainable ideal from a firm economic analytic anchor. Grounded in economic theory and application it analyses tourist@2019s satisfaction and impacts of tourism on the host community, investigates the productivity of the industry and identify factors which could increase economic and sustainable development such as trade relationships. It offers further insight into how destinations sustainability can be measured, economic benefits of a more sustainable destination and sets the agenda for future research. The book includes a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives and includes cutting edge research from international scholars. This significant volume provides a new perspective on the sustainable tourism debate and will be a valuable read for students, researchers, academics of Tourism and Economics.


Sustainable tourism.

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