What Is cultural studies:

Storey, John, ed.

What Is cultural studies: a reader / edited by John Storey. - Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2012. - xii, 387 p.

Cultural studies : an introduction / John Storey --
The evolution of cultural studies ... / Colin Sparks --
Cultural studies : two paradigms / Stuart Hall --
The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies / Michael Green --
Overcoming resistance to cultural studies / James W. Carey --
What is cultural studies anyway? / Richard Johnson --
British cultural studies and television / John Fiske --
Banality in cultural studies / Meaghan Morris --
The future of cultural studies / Raymond Williams --
The circulation of cultural studies / Lawrence Grossberg --
The problem of American cultural studies / Alan O'Connor --
Feminism and cultural studies / Elizabeth Long --
Discipline and vanish : feminism, the resistance to theory, and the politics of cultural studies / Ellen Rooney --
Pessimism, optimism, pleasure : the future of cultural studies / Duncan Webster --
Culture and communication : towards an ethnographic critique of media consumption in the transnational media system / Ien Ang --
Feminism and cultural studies : pasts, presents, futures / Sarah Franklin, Celia Lury and Jackie Stacey --
Always already cultural studies : academic conferences and a manifesto / Cary Nelson --
The Americanization of cultural studies / Joel Pfister --
Black studies, cultural studies : performative acts / Manthia Diawara --
Putting policy into cultural studies / Tony Bennett --
'It works for me' : British cultural studies, Australian cultural studies, Australian film / Graeme Turner --
Race, culture, and communications : looking backward and forward at cultural studies / Stuart Hall --
Australian cultural studies / John Frow and Meaghan Morris.


Culture -- Study and teaching
Culturele studies.

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