Panchayati Raj, participation and decentralization /

Panchayati Raj, participation and decentralization / edited by Ramesh K. Arora and Meenakshi Hooja. - Jaipur, Rawat Publications: 2013. - xi,: 315p. - Changing contours of administration since independence Golden jubilee volume series - 3 / Rakesh Hooja .

1. Introduction : Participation for Effectiveness and Effectiveness of Participation / Ramesh K, Arora and Meenakshi Hooja --
1. Participatory Approaches to Development --
2. People's Participation : A Theoretical Framework / Shashi Ranjan Tewari --
3. People's Participation in Planning : A Realistic Approach / A. P. Barnabas --
4. People's Participation in development Processes : Experience and strategy / Y. Sharma --
5. Participative Approach to Rural Development / Satish C. Sharma--
6. Community - Based Organisation and Panchayats as Instruments of Gobernance in the Sphere of Watershed Development / Rakesh Hooja and Rakshat Hooja --
7. Participatory Approach for Sustainable Agricultural Technology / Sujit Kumar Paul --
8. Beyond Farmers' participation in Irrigation: Participatory Irrigation Management Approaches in India / Rakesh Hooja --
9. Governance, Advocacy Planning and Community Participation : A Study of Community Development Workers in South Africa / John J. williams --
10. Women's Participation In Local Government : The Bangladesh Experience / Pranab Kumar Pandey --
Section II. Panchyati Raj : Structure , Process , Impact --
11. Trends in the Debate on Panchayati Raj / Mats Kihlberg --
12. process of Decentralized Governance and Planning / Abdul Aziz
13. Local Level Planning for integrated Ruaral Development O case studies From india and Abroad / K.V. Sundaram --
14. Panchayati Raj and Rural Development in India / Ramesh C. Shrivastava --
15. Panchayati Raj and Poverty Alleviation : Need for New Administrative Structure / R.S. Kumat --
16. Finances of Panchayati Raj Institution : A Study / A.P. Barnabas --
17. Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions : Beginning of a New Era / Pawan Kumar Banta --
Section III. Panchaayati Raj : Cross- state Experiences --
18. Dyanmics of Administrative Reforms in Panchayati Raj System : A Study of Vilage Secretariat in Andhra Pradesh / D.Raviner --
19. The Panchyati raj System in Goa / Sunita Kale --
20. Debolution of Powers and Fucntion to PRLs in Daman / S. P. Vithal --
21. Denocratic Decntralization : Zila Parishad as the Apex Body in Haryana / Rajbir Singh --
22. Panchyati Raj System: The Orissa Experiment / B.S. bhargava and Acinash Samal --
23. Implementation of Panchyati Raj in Rajasthan : in the Light of 73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act / G.S . Narwani --
24. Panchayati Raj in Tamil Nadu / Sntishree D.N.B. Pandit --
25. People - Centred Gobernance : The panchayati Raj Experience in Uttar Pradesh / S. N . Singh --
Section IV . Encisioning Decentralization in Rural Goveranance --
26. Decentralization in Rural Governance --

With reference to India; contributed articles.


Decentralization in government--India.

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