Madhya Pradesh administrative atlas:

Bhopal. Census Opera /

Madhya Pradesh administrative atlas: census of India 2001 / by Directorate of Census Operations - Madhya Pradesh: Directorate of Census Operations, 2007. - xviii, 612p.

1. Bio-Fuels: A Blessing in Disguise; O. Surriya et al --
2. Energy, environment and the future of mankind; Y.T. Lee --
3. Phyto-cover phyto-treatment technologies for enhancing environmental remediation at aluminium smelting site in India; M.N.V. Prasad --
4. Chromium and nickel phytotoxicity; A. Fargašová, K. Mičieta --
5. Physio-anatomical responses of plants to heavy metals; R. Batool et al --
6. Integration of different bioindication methods (for chemical elements) --
The multi-markered-bioindication-concept (MMBC); B. Markert et al --
7. Interaction between plants and biosurfactant producing micro-organisms in petroleum contaminated Absheron soils; E. Akhundova, Y. Atakishiyeva --
8. Phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil by Medicago sativa (alfalfa) and the effect of oil on its growth; S. Minoui et al --
9. Evaluation of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and its root associated fungi for bioremediation of petroleum polluted soils; F. Mohsenzadeh, A. Chehregam. 10. Reciprocal effects of oil-contaminated soil and Festuca arundinacea (Tall Fescue); D. Minai-Tehrani et al --
11. Development of a new program to reduce total petroleum hydrocarbons; Time-analysis in heavy petroleum-contaminated soils by using GC-FID; R. Shirdam et al --
12. Fundamentals of hydrogen production via biotechnology (Bio-H2); N. Azbar --
13. The examination of effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on ecological system; N.Çağlarirmak et al --
14. Evaluation of Senecio glaucus L. and its root-associated fungi for bioremediation of crude oil polluted soils; F. Mmohsenzadeh, A. Chehregani Rad --
15. Study of root and shoot peroxidase activation in Festuca arundinacea in the light oil-contaminated soil; Z. Ghafari et al --

For example, the increased organic and inorganic pollution in our environment is leading to loss of biodiversity, degradation of environment and thus ultimately causing food insecurity.



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