From pluralism to separatism:

Hasan, M.

From pluralism to separatism: qasbas in colonial Awadh / by M. Hasan - New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 2008. - viii, 334 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, 1 map - Oxford India paperbacks. .

Includes glossary.
Originally published: Oxford University Press, 2004.

1. Introduction: Living in a Qasba --
2. Negotiating Identities: The Local and the National --
3. The Family Saga: Religious and Cultural Encounters --
4. In Allah's own Country: The Joy of Faith --
5. Moral Conduct and Political Morailty: The Story of Three Lives --
6. The City and its people: An Illusion Fading --
7. In the Shado of the Partition --
8. Gardish-e dauran: Vicissitudes of Fortune ---
Appendix. Tables: 1. Towns and villages in the tahsils of Bara Banki district --
2. List of taluqdars holding land in Bara Banki district, 1903 --
3. Pargana-wise population by region and occupation, 1895 --
4. Geneology of Qazi Kidwa's Family --
5. Fairs in Bara Banki district, 1903 --
6. Bara Banki's populatio according to religion and Scheduled Castes, 1951.

"This volume, based on a wide range of Urdu sources, highlights the pluralism and multiculturalism of qasbas in colonial Awadh. Moving away from an urban Lucknow-centric approach for colonial Awadh, the author studies qasbati identity, its inheritance of Indio-Persian culture, and syncretic culture. The book negotiates the connections of the local and tha national in terms of political and cultural identity. So the interlinkages between the events and movements at the national level, the channels of communication, symbol and image-making in colonial India and in the qasbas of Awadh are portrayed history of the subcontinent."--Publisher's description.

0195640802 9780195640809

Kidwai family --History
Oudh (Princely State)-- Social conditions --20th century
Oudh (Princely State)--Social conditions--19th century

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