Principles of sustainable energy systems /

Principles of sustainable energy systems / Frank Kreith, editor, University of Colorado (retired), Susan Krumdieck, co-editor, University of Canterbury. - Second edition. - xxv, 752 pages :

Revised edition of: Principles of sustainable energy / Frank Kreith, Jan F. Kreider. 2011.

1. Introduction to Sustainable Energy--
Chapter 2. Economics of Energy Generation and Conservation Systems--
Chapter 3. Wind Energy--
Chapter 4. Capturing Solar Energy through Biomass--
Chapter 5. Fundamentals of Solar Radiation--
Chapter 6. Photovoltaics--
Chapter 7. Solar Heating and Cooling of Buildings--
Chapter 8. Solar Process Heat and Thermal Power--
Chapter 9. Passive Solar Heating, Cooling, and Daylighting--
Chapter 10. Energy Storage--
Chapter 11. Ocean Energy Conversion--
Chapter 12. Transportation.


Renewable energy sources.


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