Companion to urban design/

Banerjee, Tridib, ed

Companion to urban design/ edited by Tridib Banerjee and Anastasia Loukaitou Sideris - Oxon: Routledge, 2014. - xxi, 709 p.

Introduction Part I: Roots Introduction Chapter 1. From CIAM to CNU: The Roots and Thinkers of Modern Urban Design Eugenie Birch Chapter 2. The Open and the Enclosed: Shifting Paradigms in Modern Urban Design Robert Fishman Chapter 3. Pedagogical Traditions Danilo Palazzo Part 2 Theoretical Perspectives Introduction Chapter 4. Urban Design: An Incompletely Theorized Project Niraj Verma Chapter 5. The Two Orders of Cybernetics in Urban Form and Design M. Christine Boyer 6. Urban Design and Spatial Political Economy Alexander Cuthbert Chapter 7. Critical Urbanism: Space, Design, Revolution Kanishka Goonewardena Part 3 Influences Introduction Chapter 8. Urban Design and the Traditions of Geography Larry R. Ford Chapter 9. Influences of Sociology on Urban Design William Michelson Chapter 10. Influences of Anthropology on Urban Design Denise Lawrence-Zuniga Chapter 11. Feminist Approaches to Urban Design Kristen Day Chapter 12. Environmental Psychology and Urban Design Jack L. Nasar Chapter 13. The Law of Urban Design Jerold Kayden Chapter 14. Political Theory and Urban Design Margaret Kohn Chapter 15. Interactions between Public Health and Urban Design Marlon G. Boarnet and Lois M. Takahashi Chapter 16. Urban Design and the Cinematic Arts Rafael E. Pizarro Part 4 Technologies and Methods Introduction Chapter 17. Design Studios Kathryn H. Anthony Chapter 18. Media Tools for Urban Design Martin Krieger Chapter 19. Visualizing Change: Simulations as a Decision Making Tool Peter Bosselmann Chapter 20. City Design in the Age of Digital Ubiquity Eran Ben-Joseph Part 5 Process Introduction Chapter 21. Customs, Norms, Rules, Regulations and Standards in Design Practice William C. Baer Chapter 22. Decoding Design Guidance Matthew Carmona 23. Urban Design Competitions Ute Lehrer Chapter 24. The Design Charrette Douglas Kelbaugh Chapter 25. Citizen Design: Participation and Beyond Jeffrey Hou Part 6 Components Introduction Chapter 26. Downtown Urban Design Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Tridib Banerjee Chapter 27. Suburbs: Rus in Urbe, the Picturesque, and Selfhood John Archer Chapter 28. Planned Communities and New Towns Ann Forsyth Chapter 29. Neighborhood Spaces: Design Innovations and Social Themes Ajay Garde Chapter 30. Spaces of Consumption Klaus Kunzmann Chapter 31. Cultural Institutions: The Role of Urban Design Carl Grodach Chapter 32. Streets and the Public Realm: Emerging Designs Elizabeth MacDonald Chapter 33. Mixed-Life Places Mark Francis Chapter 34. Urban Flux Gary Hack Part 7 Debates Introduction Chapter 35. Compactness vs. Sprawl Reid Ewing, Keith Bartholomew, and Arthur C. Nelson Chapter 36. Living Together or Apart: Exclusion, Gentrification, and Displacement Ali Madanipour Chapter 37. Place, Identity and the Global City Michael Southworth and Deni Ruggeri Chapter 38. Old vs. New Urbanism Ivonne Audirac Chapter 39. Form-Based Codes vs. Conventional Zoning Emily Talen Part 8 Global Trends Introduction Chapter 40. City Branding Jon Lang Chapter 41. From Metropolitan to Regional Urbanization Edward Soja Chapter 42. Ethnoscapes Clara Irazabal Chapter 43. Urban Design for a Planet of Informal Cities Vinit Mukhija Part 9 New Directions Introduction Chapter 44. Postmodern and Integral Urbanism Nan Ellin Chapter 45. Ecological Urbanism Ann Spirn Chapter 46. Metropolitan Form and Landscape Urbanism Brenda Scheer Chapter 47. Intertwist and Intertwine: Sustainability, Meet Urban Design Randolph T. Hester and Marcia J. McNally Chapter 48. Smart Growth: A Critical Review of the State of the Art Aseem Inam Chapter 49. Notes on Transit Oriented Development Stefanos Polyzoides Chapter 50. Placemaking in Urban Design Kathy Madden Chapter 51. Secure Cities Carolyn Whitzman Chapter 52. Design for Resilient Cities: Reflections from a Studio Mahyar Arefi Epilogue


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