From intelligent to smart cities

Deakin, Mark, ed.

From intelligent to smart cities edited by Mark Deakin and Husam AI Waer - Oxford Univ. Pressshire: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2014. - v,: 89 p.

1. From Intelligent to Smart Cities 3. The Smart City: A Nexus for Open Innovation? 4. Intelligent Cities: Variable Geometries of Spatial Intelligence 5. The Embedded Intelligence of Smart Cities 6. Smart Cities, Smart Places, Smart Democracy: Form-Based Codes, Electronic Governance and the Role of Place in Making Smart Cities

The concept of smart cities offers a revolutionary vision of urban design for sustainability. Utilising the intelligent application of various technologies, smart cities also incorporate considerations of social and environmental capital in order to transform the life and work of cities. This work features papers on the transition to smart cities.


Sustainable urban development

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