Airports, cities and regions /

Airports, cities and regions / edited by Sven Conventz and Alain Thierstein. - xii, 292 p. - Routledge advances in regional economics science and policy .

1. Hub Airports and the Knowledge Economy (Sven Conventz and Alain Thierstein) --
2. The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Air Transportation (Khaula A. Alkaabi) --
3. The Rise of the Airport Property Market in Australia (Robert Freestone and Ilan Vizel) --
4. Amsterdam Mainport and Metropolitan Region (Maurits Schaafsma) --
5. Airports and their Regions (Ute Knippenberger) --
6. The Spatial Distribution of Airport-Related Economic Activity (Julie Cidell) --
7. Airport and Cities (Christian Salewski, Benedikt Boucsein and Anna Gasco) --
8. The Airport, both Maker and Breaker of Cities, as a Resource of City Building, in the Scale of the Agglomeration and in the Global Context (Thomas Sieverts) --
9. Systems of Airports within City Regions (David C. Prosperi) --
10. Driving Factors of Airport City Developments (Jan Armin Schubert) --
11. Amsterdam Family of Clusters (Michael van Wijk, Wouter Jacobs and Oedzge Atzema) --
12. Emerging knowledge-based spaces (Sven Conventz and Alain Thierstein) --
13. Airports and Sustainability: a paradox? (Mathis Guller) --
14. Airports as new Urban Anchors (Stephen Appold) --
15. Sustainability Aspects of Urban Regional Integration of Airports (Andreas Schmitt)

"Since the emergence of urban systems, cities have developed in a mutually inter-dependent process of socio-economic dynamics and transportation linkages. In recent years, Airports worldwide have stepped beyond the stage of being pure infrastructure facilities while the complex dynamics that are taking place at and around international airports represent a crucial element in the post-industrial reorganisation of urban and regional systems. Airports are increasingly recognized as general urban activity centres; that is, key assets for cities and regions as economic generators and catalysts of investment in addition to being critical components of efficient city infrastructure. This book brings together contributions from renowned academic scholars and world leading practitioners to discuss insights gained from theory and practice. The first collection of papers reflects upon the general role and future of airports as well as their specific contribution to competitive advantages within a fast changing business and economic landscape. The second group of contributions ask about the role airports play within the innovation process that is inherently centred on generating and sharing knowledge. The third section of papers investigates the drivers of real estate developments on airport land and in the close vicinity of airports"--


Airports--Economic aspects.
Urban economics.
Regional development.
Regional economics.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Business Development.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Sustainable Development.


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