Shaping structures :

Zalewski, Waclaw.

Shaping structures : statics / Waclaw Zalewski and Edward Allen ; drawings by Joseph Iano. - New York : Wiley, c1998. - vii, 408 p.

A Vertical Tensile Structure.; A Vertical Compressive Structure.; Forces in Many Directions.; Moments of Forces.; Finding Forces in 1.a Simple Truss--
2. Multipanel Trusses--
3. Fanlike Structures--
4.Finding Forms and Forces for Funicular Structures--
5.Further Design Tools for Funicular Structures--
6. Shaping a Cantilevered Arch Roof--
7.Shaping a Hanging Roof.; Shaping a Three--Hinged Truss Arch--
8. Restraining Funicular Structures--
9. Shaping Efficient Trusses--
10.Unit Conversions--
11.Standard Sizes of Steel Reinforcing Bars--
12. Selected References.; Index.


Structural analysis (Engineering)


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