Globalization, difference, and human security

Pasha, Mustapha Kama

Globalization, difference, and human security edited by Mustapha Kamal Pasha. - Abingdon: Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2013. - xvi, 191 p. - Interventions .

Contents: Introduction Mustapha Kamal Pasha PART I Genealogy and Critique 1. Human Security, IR, and Difference Craig N. Murphy 2. Global Politics of Human Security Heloise Weber 3. Rethinking the Subject of Human Security David Chandler 4. Human Security, Culture, and Globalization: Transculturality, Creative Practice, or Oeuvre? Matt Davies 5. De-Secularizing the `Human' Giorgio Shani PART II Other Horizons 6. The Missing Human: Human Security, and Empire Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui 7. Developmentalism, Human Security, Indigenous Rights Robbie Shilliam 8. Slums, `Subsistence' and Human Security Ritu Vij 9. Indigeneity and Difference Jean Simon and Claudio Gonzalez Parra PART III Difference, Globalization, and Governing Practices 10. The Fantastic Social World of Human Security through Global Governance Martin Weber 11. The Romance of Global Health Security Vannesa Pupavac 12. Slavery Remains in Reconstruction and Development Anna Agathangelou


Globalization -- Economic aspects.

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