Instruments of planning:
Leshinsky, Rebecca, ed.
Instruments of planning: tensions and challenges for more equitable and sustainable cities/ edited by Rebecca leshinsky and Crystal Legacy - New York: Routledge, 2016. - xviii, 258 p. - RTPI library series .
1. Planning instruments and the urban change process- Crystal Legacy and Rebecca Leshinsky Part 1. Planning challenges in a context of discontinuous growth - Leonie Janssen-Jansen 2. Towards equitable intensification: Restricting developer gain and compensating planning costs - Glen Searle 3. Freedom's prospect? Re-thinking red and green tape reform as a planning instrument - Wendy Steele 4. The problem/solution nexus and its effects on public consultation - Sophie Sturup Part 2. Designing strategies for change - Louis Albrechts 5. Community deliberation as a procedural planning tool: Examination of Vancouver and Melbourne - Ann McAfee and Crystal Legacy 6. Targets for affordable housing: Supporting equitable and sustainable urban growth - Catherin Gilbert, Nicole Gurran and Peter Phibbs 7. Social impact assessment: Strategic litigation tool for planning law decision makers - Rebecca Leshinsky 8. A design-led approach for enabling collective imagining of sustainable urban futures - Viveka Turnbull Hocking and Andrew MacKenzie Part . Instruments to implement change - Willem K. Korthals Altes 9. Would you like a code with that? Place-based planning and mapping neighbourhood fields of care - Ian Woodcock, Simon Wollan and Kim Dovey 10. Transferable development credits put growth in its place - Rick Pruetz 11. Managing urban intensification through conservation covenants - Peter Williams and Angelique Williams 12. Regenerating cities: Creating the opportunity for greyfield precinct infill development - Peter Newton and Stephen Glackin Part 4. Technology in planning: Supporting urban policy and decision-making - Jennifer S. Evans-Cowley 13. Policy and planning on the interface of socio-technical systems: Novel approaches to policy development - Araz Taeihagh 14. Engaging the greyfields: Community engagement and co-design in residential redevelopment of public housing - Stephen Glackin and Peter Newton 15. Technology in urban planning: Spatial hedonic house price model as an information tool - Shanaka Herath 16. Instruments of planning: tensions and challenges for more equitable and sustainable cities - Rebecca Leshinsky and Crystal Legacy
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Instruments of planning: tensions and challenges for more equitable and sustainable cities/ edited by Rebecca leshinsky and Crystal Legacy - New York: Routledge, 2016. - xviii, 258 p. - RTPI library series .
1. Planning instruments and the urban change process- Crystal Legacy and Rebecca Leshinsky Part 1. Planning challenges in a context of discontinuous growth - Leonie Janssen-Jansen 2. Towards equitable intensification: Restricting developer gain and compensating planning costs - Glen Searle 3. Freedom's prospect? Re-thinking red and green tape reform as a planning instrument - Wendy Steele 4. The problem/solution nexus and its effects on public consultation - Sophie Sturup Part 2. Designing strategies for change - Louis Albrechts 5. Community deliberation as a procedural planning tool: Examination of Vancouver and Melbourne - Ann McAfee and Crystal Legacy 6. Targets for affordable housing: Supporting equitable and sustainable urban growth - Catherin Gilbert, Nicole Gurran and Peter Phibbs 7. Social impact assessment: Strategic litigation tool for planning law decision makers - Rebecca Leshinsky 8. A design-led approach for enabling collective imagining of sustainable urban futures - Viveka Turnbull Hocking and Andrew MacKenzie Part . Instruments to implement change - Willem K. Korthals Altes 9. Would you like a code with that? Place-based planning and mapping neighbourhood fields of care - Ian Woodcock, Simon Wollan and Kim Dovey 10. Transferable development credits put growth in its place - Rick Pruetz 11. Managing urban intensification through conservation covenants - Peter Williams and Angelique Williams 12. Regenerating cities: Creating the opportunity for greyfield precinct infill development - Peter Newton and Stephen Glackin Part 4. Technology in planning: Supporting urban policy and decision-making - Jennifer S. Evans-Cowley 13. Policy and planning on the interface of socio-technical systems: Novel approaches to policy development - Araz Taeihagh 14. Engaging the greyfields: Community engagement and co-design in residential redevelopment of public housing - Stephen Glackin and Peter Newton 15. Technology in urban planning: Spatial hedonic house price model as an information tool - Shanaka Herath 16. Instruments of planning: tensions and challenges for more equitable and sustainable cities - Rebecca Leshinsky and Crystal Legacy
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