Land records management in India: a plea for reforms /
Behera, Hari Charan
Land records management in India: a plea for reforms / by Hari Charan Behera - New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2014. - xx, 219 p.
1.Current trends in land records management--\
2.Technology options for cadastral resurvey --
3.Aerial survey and computerized web based land information system --
4.NLRMP implementation issues and challenges --
5.Land record data integration strategies --
6.Leveraging enterprise GIS for land record management --
7.HARSAC how geospatial technology using for land record reforms under NLRMP in Haryana --
8.Bhoomi an online land records management system --
9.Land governance need to protect and use judicially public land --
10.Innovative initiatives in governance of land in Kerala --
11.Problems and experiences of autonomous council with special reference to karbialng and dimahasao district of Assam --
12.Managing customary laws of land in Nagaland --
13.Changing land ownership patterns and its impact on social relation in Sikkim
346.540438 / LAN
Land records management in India: a plea for reforms / by Hari Charan Behera - New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2014. - xx, 219 p.
1.Current trends in land records management--\
2.Technology options for cadastral resurvey --
3.Aerial survey and computerized web based land information system --
4.NLRMP implementation issues and challenges --
5.Land record data integration strategies --
6.Leveraging enterprise GIS for land record management --
7.HARSAC how geospatial technology using for land record reforms under NLRMP in Haryana --
8.Bhoomi an online land records management system --
9.Land governance need to protect and use judicially public land --
10.Innovative initiatives in governance of land in Kerala --
11.Problems and experiences of autonomous council with special reference to karbialng and dimahasao district of Assam --
12.Managing customary laws of land in Nagaland --
13.Changing land ownership patterns and its impact on social relation in Sikkim
346.540438 / LAN