Architecture`s pretexts :

Kanekar, Aarati

Architecture`s pretexts : space of translation / Aarati Kanekar - London : Routledge, 2015. - xvi, 172 p.

1. Introduction. On Translation and Spatial Construction of Meaning-- 2. Space of Poetic Allegory. Translating The Divine Comedy:Terragni's Danteum as a Projection of Meaning Across Symbolic Forms-- 3. Space of Narrative Structure. The Shaping of Romeo and Juliet: Eisenman's Moving Arrows Eros and Other Errors-- 4. Space of Sound & Music. Architecture as a Performative Instrument: Zumthor's Soundbox-- 5. Space of Representation. The Generative Maps of Perry Kulper and Smout Allen-- 6. Space of Montage. Movement, Assemblage, and Appropriation in Koolhaas' Kunsthal-- Bibliography


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