Natural resources : (Record no. 4666)

MARC details
fixed length control field 10817nam a2200181Ia 4500
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ISBN 9780415897914
Language code of text/sound track or separate title eng
Classification number 333.7
Item number NAT
Personal name Aswathanarayana, U.,
Title Natural resources :
Remainder of title technology, economics and policy /
Statement of responsibility, etc edited by U. Aswathanarayana
Name of publisher CRC Press,
Year of publication 2012.
Place of publication London:
Number of Pages xxxv, 474p.
Formatted contents note Machine generated contents note: Section 1 Introduction --<br/>1.1. Symbiotic relationship between mangroves and coastal communities --<br/>1.2. Earth system science for global sustainability --<br/>1.3."Virtual" natural resources --<br/>1.4. Natural resources and globalization --<br/>1.4.1. General considerations --<br/>1.4.2. Different aspects of globalisation --<br/>1.4.3. Natural resources and violent conflicts --<br/>1.5. Innovation chain and economic growth --<br/>References --<br/>Section 2 Water resources management --<br/>2.1. Holistic water resources management, based on the hydrological cycle (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>2.1.1. Introduction --<br/>water and culture --<br/>2.1.2. Water balance --<br/>2.1.3. Green and blue waters --<br/>2.1.4. Conjunctive use of water resources --<br/>2.1.5. Water resources endowments of countries --<br/>2.1.6. Decision --<br/>Support system for water resources management --<br/>2.1.7. Paradigm of global water resources management --<br/>2.1.8. How best to use water resources --<br/>India as a case --<br/>References. Contents note continued: 2.2. Economic frameworks to inform decision-making (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>2.2.1. An integrated economic approach to water scarcity --<br/>2.2.2. Role of the private sector in the water resources management --<br/>2.2.3. Tools for policy makers --<br/>2.2.4. Quo vadis? --<br/>Reference --<br/>2.3. Multiple perspectives on water: A synthesis (Ramaswamy R. Iyer, India) --<br/>2.3.1. Nature of water --<br/>2.3.2. Perspectives on water --<br/>References --<br/>2.4. Water pollution (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>2.4.1. Pathways of pollution --<br/>2.4.2. Activities that can cause groundwater pollution --<br/>2.4.3. Leachates from solid wastes, source-wise --<br/>2.4.4. Pollution from liquid wastes, source-wise --<br/>2.4.5. Contaminants, type-wise --<br/>2.4.6. Anthropogenic acidification of waters --<br/>2.4.7. Water pollution arising from waste disposal --<br/>2.4.8. Transport of contaminant solutes in aquifers --<br/>References --<br/>2.5. Sequential use of water resources (U. Aswathanarayana, India). Contents note continued: 2.5.1. Water quality in relation to water use --<br/>2.5.2. Estimates of water value for different uses --<br/>2.5.3. Water value in system context --<br/>2.5.4. Price coordination of water supplies --<br/>2.5.5. Principles of optimization --<br/>2.5.6. Price coordination of a typical irrigation system --<br/>2.5.7. Optimization methods in water management --<br/>2.5.8. Allocation of water to competing users --<br/>2.5.9. Decision-making process --<br/>References --<br/>2.6. Wastewater reuse systems (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>2.6.1. Introduction --<br/>2.6.2. Bio-pond treatment of waste water --<br/>2.6.3. Types of wastewater reuse --<br/>2.6.4. Use of wastewater in irrigation --<br/>2.6.5. Geopurification --<br/>2.6.6. Economics of wastewater reuse --<br/>2.6.7. Health hazards in wastewater reuse --<br/>2.6.8. Use of sewage sludge as fertilizer --<br/>References --<br/>2.7. Etiology of diseases arising from toxic elements in drinking water (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>2.7.1. Routes and consequences of ingestion of toxic elements. Contents note continued: 2.7.2. Arseniasis --<br/>2.7.3. Fluorosis --<br/>2.7.4. Risk assessment --<br/>References --<br/>2.8. Water and agriculture: Usefulness of agrometeorological advisories (L.S. Rathore, N. Chattopadhyay & S.V. Chandras, India) --<br/>2.8.1. Introduction --<br/>2.8.2. Impact of climatic variability on agricultural water challenges --<br/>2.8.3. Usefulness of agro-climatic information in water use --<br/>2.8.4. Farmer-customized agrometeorological advisories --<br/>2.8.5. Integration of agro-climatic resources with agricultural inputs --<br/>2.8.6. Projection of water status in Indian agriculture under future climate change scenario --<br/>2.8.7. How to produce more food (through optimization of soil-water-plant system) --<br/>2.8.8. How to do with less water (in agriculture, industry and domestic purposes) --<br/>2.8.9. Conclusion --<br/>References --<br/>2.9. Remote sensing in water resources management (Venkat Lakshmi, USA) --<br/>2.9.1. Background and societal importance --<br/>2.9.2. Current monitoring methodologies. Contents note continued: 2.9.3. Land surface modeling and data assimilation --<br/>References --<br/>2.10. Case history and exercises (B. Venkateswara Rao & V. Varalakshmi, India) --<br/>2.10.1. Introduction --<br/>2.10.2. Description of the study area --<br/>2.10.3. Rainfall analysis of the catchment area --<br/>2.10.4. Analysis of inflows to the reservoirs --<br/>2.10.5. Verification of the cropping area in the catchments --<br/>2.10.6. Water table contour maps and analysis --<br/>2.10.7. Discussion on hydrographs of observation wells --<br/>2.10.8.Composite hydrographs of piezometer wells --<br/>2.10.9. Rainfall and water level rise relationship --<br/>2.10.10. Influence of premonsoon groundwater levels over the recharge of rainfall water to the ground --<br/>2.10.11. Implications of the study and conclusions --<br/>References --<br/>Exercises --<br/>2.11. Basic research and R & D (B. Rajagopalan & C. Brown, USA) --<br/>2.11.1. Background --<br/>Traditional water resources management --<br/>2.11.2. New paradigm for water resources management. Contents note continued: 2.11.3.R & D for managing water resources under uncertainty --<br/>2.11.4. Colorado river management --<br/>Case study --<br/>References --<br/>Section 3 Mineral resources management (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>3.1. Introduction --<br/>3.1.1. Environmental challenges facing the mining industry --<br/>3.1.2. Mining, environmental protection and sustainable development --<br/>3.1.3. Economics of environmental protection in mining --<br/>3.1.4. Technology trends in the mining industry --<br/>3.1.5. Automation in the mining industry --<br/>3.1.6. Technology-driven developments in the mining industry --<br/>3.2. Mineral demand in response to emerging technological needs --<br/>3.2.1. Emerging technological needs --<br/>3.2.2. Rare earth elements --<br/>3.2.3. Gold --<br/>3.2.4. Aluminium --<br/>3.2.5. Copper --<br/>3.2.6. Lead --<br/>3.3. Control technologies for minimizing the environmental impact of mining --<br/>3.3.1. Acid mine drainage --<br/>3.3.2. Tailings disposal --<br/>3.3.3. Dust control technologies --<br/>3.3.5. Treatment of wastewater. Contents note continued: 3.3.6. Subsidence --<br/>3.3.7. Noise and vibration --<br/>3.3.8. Planning for mine closure --<br/>3.4. Health and socio-economic impacts of the mining industry --<br/>3.4.1. Health hazards of the mining industry --<br/>3.4.2. Health hazards due to dusts --<br/>3.4.3. Matrix diagrams --<br/>3.4.4. Total project development --<br/>A visionary approach --<br/>3.5. Artisanal mining --<br/>3.6. Ways of ameliorating the adverse consequences of mining industry --<br/>3.6.1. Rehabilitation of mined land --<br/>3.6.2. Beneficial use of mining wastes --<br/>3.6.3. Reuse of mine water --<br/>3.7. Iron ore mine of Kiruna, Sweden --<br/>A case study --<br/>3.8. Basic research and R & D --<br/>References --<br/>Section 4 Energy resources management (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>4.1. Coal resources --<br/>4.1.1. Importance of coal in the energy economy --<br/>4.1.2. Environmental impact of the coal cycle --<br/>4.1.3. Wastes from coal industries --<br/>4.1.4. Power generation technologies --<br/>4.1.5. China --<br/>a country case study --<br/>4.2. Oil and gas resources --<br/>4.2.1. Oil. Contents note continued: 4.2.2. Natural gas --<br/>4.2.3. Shale gas --<br/>4.2.4. Saudi Arabia --<br/>a country case study --<br/>4.3. Nuclear fuel resources --<br/>4.3.1. Introduction --<br/>4.3.2. Resource position --<br/>4.3.3. Cost of nuclear power --<br/>4.3.4. Projected nuclear power capacity --<br/>4.3.5. New reactor designs --<br/>4.3.6.R & D areas --<br/>4.3.7. Country case study of France --<br/>4.4. Renewable energy resources --<br/>4.4.1. Why renewables? --<br/>4.4.2. Renewable energy sources --<br/>4.5. Strategy for a low-carbon footprint --<br/>4.5.1. Carbon emissions and climate change --<br/>4.5.2. Mitigation of climate change --<br/>4.6. Exercises --<br/>References --<br/>Section 5 Bio resources and biodiversity (S. Balaji, India) --<br/>5.1. Introduction --<br/>5.2. What is biodiversity? --<br/>5.2.1. Endemism and keystone species --<br/>5.3. Why conserve biodiversity --<br/>5.4. Global biodiversity resources --<br/>5.5. Erosion of biodiversity --<br/>5.5.1. Causes for the erosion of biodiversity --<br/>5.5.2. Habitat loss --<br/>5.5.3. Invasive alien species --<br/>5.5.4. Pollution. Contents note continued: 5.5.5. Human population --<br/>5.5.6. Overexploitation --<br/>5.5.7. Arresting biodiversity loss --<br/>5.6. Climate change and biodiversity --<br/>5.6.1. Role of forests in climate change mitigation --<br/>5.7. Role of biodiversity in medicine, agriculture and forestry --<br/>5.7.1. Biodiversity in medicine --<br/>5.7.2. Agro-biodiversity --<br/>5.7.3. Biodiversity and forestry --<br/>5.8. Biodiversity and biotechnology --<br/>5.8.1. Biotechnology for biodiversity assessment --<br/>5.8.2. Biodiversity utilization --<br/>5.8.3. Impacts --<br/>5.8.4. Biotechnology for prospecting genetic diversity --<br/>5.8.5. Genetically modified foods --<br/>5.8.6. Environmental biotechnology --<br/>5.8.7. Pragmatic use of biotechnology --<br/>5.9. Economics and policy of biodiversity management --<br/>5.9.1. Economics and policy --<br/>5.9.2. Tangible and intangible uses of biodiversity --<br/>5.9.3. Conservation strategy --<br/>5.10. Future prospects --<br/>5.10.1. The strategic plan --<br/>Aichi targets 2011-2020 --<br/>5.10.2. Scope for future research. Contents note continued: 5.11. Conclusion: Living in harmony with nature --<br/>5.12. Sample exercises --<br/>References --<br/>Section 6 Disaster management (U. Aswathanarayana, India) --<br/>6.1. Hazardous events (natural, mixed and technological) --<br/>6.2. Vulnerability to hazardous events --<br/>6.2.1. Earthquakes --<br/>6.2.2. Tsunamis --<br/>6.2.3. Volcanic hazards --<br/>6.2.4. Slope failures, landslides and subsidence --<br/>6.3. Marine hazards --<br/>6.3.1. Introduction --<br/>6.3.2. Types of marine hazards --<br/>6.3.3. Natural hazards --<br/>6.3.4. Man-made hazards --<br/>References --<br/>6.4. Nuclear energy accidents --<br/>6.4.1. The Three Mile Island (TMI) accident --<br/>6.4.2. Chernobyl reactor accident --<br/>6.4.3. Fukushima --<br/>Daiichi reactor accident --<br/>6.5. Integrated disaster preparedness --<br/>6.5.1. Dual use technologies and practices --<br/>6.5.2. Resiliency linked to social-ecological systems --<br/>6.5.3. Risk management through securitisation --<br/>6.5.4. Monitoring and warning systems --<br/>6.5.5. Science-based and people-based Hazard preparedness systems. Contents note continued: 6.5.6. Risk communication --<br/>6.5.7. Rehabilitation measures --<br/>6.6. Basic research and R & D --
Topical Term Natural resources
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