Be all you can be: a challenge to stretch your potential / john C. maxwell
Material type:
- 9788179927885
- 158.1 MAX-B
Browsing Library, SPAB shelves, Shelving location: D-1, Collection: Non Fiction Close shelf browser (Hides shelf browser)
158.1 HIL-G Good as gold: | 158.1 KHE-L Living with honour: what's easy to see is easy to miss / | 158.1 MAN-G Greatest secret in the world / | 158.1 MAX-B Be all you can be: a challenge to stretch your potential / | 158.1 PAU-L Last lecture/ | 158.1 SCH-G Getting through what you are going through: 10 steps to hope and encouragement / | 158.1 SHA-D Daily inspiration: from the monk who sold his Ferrari / |
Formula for success --
Stretch to success --
Victorious because of a vision --
The bigger they are, the harder they fall --
See it, say it, seize it! --
The 101 percent principle --
Solve our problems but save out pigs --
Your problem is not your problem --
Failure is not final --
Your decision determines your destiny --
I don't have to survive --
Commitment is the key.
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