Sage handbook of public opinion research / edited by Wolfgang Donsbach, Michael W. Traugott.
Material type:
- 9781412911771
- 303.38 HAN
I: History, philosophy of public opinion and public opinion research --
The nature of public opinion --
The development of public opinion research --
II: Theories of public opinion formation and change --
Formation of opinion --
Dynamics of public opinion --
III: Methodology --
The design of surveys --
Measurement of public opinion --
IV: The social and political environment of public opinion research --
The status of public opinion research --
Uses and effects of public opinion research --
V: Special fields of application.
An indispensable resource for both practitioners and students alike, the handbook brings together a review of what public opinion is, what role it has in a society, how it changes and by what it is affected, how it can be measured and what impact it has.
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