Envisioning landscapes, making worlds: geography and the humanities / edited by Stephen Daniels ... [at al.].
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- 9780415589789
- 304.23 ENV
Part I: Mapping Chapter 1. Why America is Called America Franco Farinelli Chapter 2. Above the Dead Cities Derek Gregory Chapter 3. Digital Cartographies and Medieval Geographies Keith Lilley Chapter 4. Mapping the Taboo Gunnar Olsson Chapter 5. `Choros, Chora' and the Question of Landscape Kenneth Olwig Chapter 6. Thematic Cartography and the Study of American History Susan Schulten Part II: Reflecting Chapter 7. Do Places Have Edges? A Geo-Philosophical Inquiry Edward S. Casey Chapter 8. Race, Mobility and the Humanities: A Geosophical Approach Timothy Cresswell Chapter 9. The World in Plain View J. Nicholas Entrikin Chapter 10. Courtly Geography: Nature, Authority and Civility in Early Eighteenth Century France Michael Heffernan Chapter 11. Darwinian Landscapes David Livingstone Chapter 12. Travel and the Domination of Space in the European Imagination Anthony Pagden Chapter 13. The Good Inherit the Earth Yi-Fu Tuan Part III: Representing Chapter 14. Putting Pablo Neruda's `Alturas de Machu Picchu' In Its Places Jim Cocola Chapter 15. Great Balls of Fire: Envisioning the Brilliant Meteor of 1783 Stephen Daniels Chapter 16. Reading Landscapes and Telling Stories: Geography, the Humanities and Environmental History Diana K. Davis Chapter 17. Participatory Historical Geography? Shaping and Failing to Shape Social Memory at an Oklahoma Monument Dydia De Lyser Chapter 18. Still-Life, After-Life `Nature Morte': W.G. Sebald and the Demands of Landscape Jessica Dubow Chapter 19. The Texture of Space: Desire and Displacement in Hiroshi Teshigahara's `Woman of the Dunes' Matthew Gandy Chapter 20. Restoration: Synoptic Reflections David Lowenthal Chapter 21. Overlapping Ambiguities, Disciplinary Perspectives and Metaphors of Looking: Reflections on a Landscape Photograph Joan Schwartz Part IV: Performing Chapter 22. Inverting Perspective: Icons' Performative Geographies Veronica Della Dora Chapter 23. Literary Geography: The Novel as a Spatial Event Sheila Hones Chapter 24. Materialising Vision: Performing a High-Rise View Jane Jacobs Chapter 25. Technician of Light: Patrick Geddes and the Optic of Geography Fraser MacDonald Chapter 26. Deserted Places, Remote Voices: Performing Landscape Michael Pearson Chapter 27. Photography and Its Circulations Gillian Rose Chapter 28. Beyond the Power of Art to Represent?: Narratives and Performances of the Arctic in the 1630s Julie Sanders Chapter 29. Navigating the Northwest Passage Kathryn Yusoff
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