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Environmental history of early India: a reader / by Nandini sinha Kapur

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publication details: Oxford Univ. Press, 2011. New Delhi:Description: xxxv, 282pISBN:
  • 9780198070009
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 333.70954 ENV
I: Forests, deforestation, states, and legitimation – 1. Of tribes, hunters and barbarians: forest dwellers in the mauryan period aloka parasher sen -- 2. Wilderness and kingship in ancient south asia nancy falk— 3. The study of settlement pattern in cola period: some perspectives r. Champakalakshmi— 4. An aspect of rural landscape in the rashtrakuta kingdom shyam narayan lal— Ii: Landgrants, settlements, and rural landscape – 5. Natural resources and human settlements: perceiving the environment in india ranabir chakravarti--6. Irrigation in early medieval rajasthan b.d. Chattopadhyaya— 7. Patronage and irrigation in tamil nadu: a long-term view david ludden— 8. Pastoralism as reflected in the classical tamil theory of landscapes kamil v. Zvelebil— iii: Water resources, irrigation, and agricultural expansion – 9. Between ghost and god: a folk deity of the deccan gunther dietz sontheimer; -- 10. Landscapes in conflict, flocks, hero-stones, and cult in early medieval maharashtra ajay dandekar— 11. In which part of south asia did the early brahmanical tradition (1st millennium bc) take its form? Kumkum roy— 12. Perceiving the forest: early india romila thapar— iv: Pastoralism, ecology, society, and state – 13. Tirtahs and acculturation: an anthropological study vijay nath— 14. Early south indian society and economy: the tinai concept k. Sivathamby— 15. Agrarian expansion and rise of states r. S. Sharma— 16. Geographical setting and agrarian economy v. K. Jain— 17. Ethnohistory of pastoralism: a study of the kuruvas and gollas m. L. K. Murty— V: Ecology, society in literature and religion 18. Settlements and economy nayanjyot lahiri— 19. Life, forests, and plant sciences in ancient india anil rawat; bibliography.
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I: Forests, deforestation, states, and legitimation –
1. Of tribes, hunters and barbarians: forest dwellers in the mauryan period aloka parasher sen --
2. Wilderness and kingship in ancient south asia nancy falk—
3. The study of settlement pattern in cola period: some perspectives r. Champakalakshmi—
4. An aspect of rural landscape in the rashtrakuta kingdom shyam narayan lal—
Ii: Landgrants, settlements, and rural landscape –
5. Natural resources and human settlements: perceiving the environment in india ranabir chakravarti--6. Irrigation in early medieval rajasthan b.d. Chattopadhyaya—
7. Patronage and irrigation in tamil nadu: a long-term view david ludden—
8. Pastoralism as reflected in the classical tamil theory of landscapes kamil v. Zvelebil—
iii: Water resources, irrigation, and agricultural expansion –
9. Between ghost and god: a folk deity of the deccan gunther dietz sontheimer; --
10. Landscapes in conflict, flocks, hero-stones, and cult in early medieval maharashtra ajay dandekar—
11. In which part of south asia did the early brahmanical tradition (1st millennium bc) take its form? Kumkum roy—
12. Perceiving the forest: early india romila thapar—
iv: Pastoralism, ecology, society, and state –
13. Tirtahs and acculturation: an anthropological study vijay nath—
14. Early south indian society and economy: the tinai concept k. Sivathamby—
15. Agrarian expansion and rise of states r. S. Sharma—
16. Geographical setting and agrarian economy v. K. Jain—
17. Ethnohistory of pastoralism: a study of the kuruvas and gollas m. L. K. Murty—
V: Ecology, society in literature and religion 18. Settlements and economy nayanjyot lahiri—
19. Life, forests, and plant sciences in ancient india anil rawat; bibliography.

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