Regional development and planning in India / by V. Nath ; edited by S. K. Aggarwal
Material type:
- 9788180693779
- 8180693775
- 338.954 NAT-R
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents : Introduction by Prof. S. K. Aggarwal --
1 Regions for planning --
2 Regional development policies --
3 Organisation for regional planning and development --
4 Area development : planning at district and block levels --
5 Decentralized and district planning under economic liberalization --
6 Regional development in Indian planning --
7 Regional planning in the national plan--
8 Levels of economic development and rates of economic growth in India : a regional analysis --
9 Regional disparities in Economic and social development in India --
10 Progress of rural development programmes - Regional differences --
11 Regional dimensions of rural poverty in India --
12 The growth of Indian agriculture : a regional analysis --
13 The geography of production of perishable foods in India --
14 Industrial location and employment in India : 1950-2000 and trends and prospects for 2000-2020 --
15 Entrepreneurship in India : distribution by regions, castes and levels of economic development - a survey.
This compendium of fifteen essays addresses a wide range of issues pertaining to regional planning and development in India. Making a regional analysis of the levels of economic development and rates of economic growth in the country, it takes stock of the regional disparities in economic and social development as well as the growth of agriculture.
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