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SAGE qualitative research methods / edited by Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont.

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Series: Publication details: Los Angeles : Sage, 2011.Description: 4 vISBN:
  • 9781849203784 (hbk.)
  • 1849203784 (hbk.)
Other title:
  • Qualitative research methods
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 001.42 SAG
Library has Vol. 1-4. Vol 1 Fundamental issues in quantitative research -- Vol 2 Measurement for causal and statistical inference -- Vol 3 Alternatives to hypothesis testing -- Vol 4 Complex designs for a complex world.
Volume 1 : A Stranger at the Gate / Nels Anderson -- The Past and the Future of Ethnography / Patricia Adler and Peter Adler -- Ethnography: Post, Past and Present / Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey and Sara Delamont -- The Interactional Study of Organisation / Robert Dingwall and Phil Strong -- Comparative methods in social science / Nigel Fielding and Jane Fielding -- Towards A Peopled Ethnography / Gary Alan Fine -- Beyond Groups / Japonica Brown-Saracino, Jessica Thurk and Gary Alan Fine -- Participant Observation in the Era of 'Ethnography' / Herbert Gans-- On Fieldwork / Erving Goffman -- Erving Goffman's Sociological Legacies / John Lofland -- Field Reality / Jaber Gubrium -- Accessing, waiting, plunging in, wondering and writing: retrospective sense-making of fieldwork / Peter Magolda -- Exchange and Access in Field Work / Paul Gray -- From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 1 / Jack Katz -- From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 2 / Jack Katz -- Reminiscences of Classic Chicago: The Blumer-Hughes Talk / Lyn Lofland -- Towards a Critical Ethnography: A re-examination of the Chicago legacy / Jim Thomas -- Everett C. Hughes and the Development of Fieldwork in Sociology / Jean-Michel Chapoulie -- A Meta-Ethnographic Approach and The Freeman Refutation of Mead / George Noblit and R. Dwight Hare.
Volume 2: Stability and Flexibility / Patricia Adler and Peter Adler -- Ethnographic Evidence / Michael Agar -- The Hired Hand and the Lone Wolf: Issues in the use of Observers in Large-Scale Program Evaluation / Carl Florez and George Kelling -- Four Ways to Improve the Craft of Fieldwork / Robert Emerson -- 'Déjà Entendu': The Liminal Qualities of Anthropological Fieldnotes / Jean Jackson -- Images of recovery: A Photo-Elicitation study / Alan Radley and Diane Taylor -- Educational Ethnography as Performance Art: Towards a Sensuous Feeling and Knowing / Carl Bagley -- Discipline and the Material Form of Images / Michael Lynch -- Understanding Urban Life: The Chicago legacy / Lyn Lofland -- Street Phenomenology: The Go-Along as Ethnographic Research Tool / Margarethe Kusenbach -- "Just another Native?" Soundscapes, Chorasters, and Borderlands in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada / Brett Lashua -- Doing Research in Cyberspace / David Jacobson -- How I Learned What a Crock Was / Howard Becker -- Ten Lies of Ethnography: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research / Gary Alan Fine -- Problems in the Field: Participant Observation and the Assumption of Neutrality / Jeffrey Cohen -- Collecting Data from Elites and Ultra-Elites / Neil Stephens -- The Ubiquity of Ambiguity in Research Interviewing: An Exemplar / Cynthia Cannon Poindexter -- Referencing as Persuasion / Nigel Gilbert -- Contradictions of Feminist Methods / Sherry Gorelick -- Jurors' Use of Judges' Instructions / James Holstein
Volume 3 : Notes on the Nature and Development of General Theories / Anselm Strauss -- Grounded Theory Method / Merilyn Annells -- Analytic Ordering for Theoretical Purposes /Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss -- Rediscovering Glaser / Kath Melia -- Grounded Theory: Evolving Methods / Linda Robrecht / Premises, Principles and Practices in Qualitative Research: Revisiting the Foundations / Kathy Charmaz -- Two Cases of Ethnography: Grounded Theory and the Extended Case Method / Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans -- Five Misunderstandings about Case-Study Research / Bent Flyvbjerg -- The Personal is Political / Sherryl Kleinman -- Qualitative Data Analysis / Amanda Coffey, Beverly Holbrook and Paul Atkinson -- Qualitative Data Analysis: A Comment on Coffey et al / Raymond Lee and Neil Fielding -- The Art(fulness) of Open-Ended Interviewing: Some Consdiderations on Analysing Interviews / Timothy John Rapley -- Doing Narrative Analysis / Catherine Riessman -- Narrative Turn or Blind Alley? / Paul Atkinson -- Narrative in Social Work: A Critical Review / Catherin Kohler Riessman and Lee Quinney -- The Use of Discovery Accounts / S.W. Woolgar -- Beyond the 'Fetichism of Words': Considerations on the use of the Interview to Gather Chronic Illness Narratives / Nathan Miczo -- 'When Discourse is Torn from Reality': Bakhtin and the Principle of Chronotopicity / Stuart Allan -- Having, and Being had by, "Experience": Or, "Experience in the Social Sciences after the Discursive/Poststructuralist Turn" / Bronwyn Davies and Cristyn Davies -- Immersion vs. Analytic Ideals and Appendix / Sherryl Kleinman and Martha Copp -- (No) Trial (but) Tribulations: When Courts and Ethnography Conflict / Rik Scarce
Volume 4: Whose Side Was Becker On? / Martyn Hammersley -- Handing IRB an Unloaded Gun / Carol Rambo -- Ethics and the Practice of Qualitative Research / Ian Shaw -- 'Becoming Participant': Problematizing 'Informed Consent' in Participatory Research with Young People in Care / Emma Renold, Sally Holland, Nicola Ross, and Alexandra Hillman -- Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics / Rose Wiles, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath -- Reembodying Qualitative Inquiry / Margarete Sandelowski -- Gender, Disembodiment and Vocation: Exploring the Unmentionables of British Academic Life / David Mills and Mette Louise Berg -- Ethnographying Public Memory: The Commemorative Genre for the Victims of Terrorism in Italy / Anna Lisa Tota -- Unsettling Engagements / Charles Fruehling Springwood and C. Richard King -- Data Presentation and the Audience / Carol Warren -- Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data Via Secondary Analysis? Notes on some Terminological and Substantive Issues / Martyn Hammersley -- (Re)Using Qualitative Data? / Niamh Moore -- Whose Cornerville is it, anyway? / Norman Denzin -- Trash on the Corner / Laurel Richardson -- The Gold Coast and the Slum Revisited: Paradoxes in Replication Research and the Study of Social Change / Albert Hunter -- Methods of Writing Patriarchy / Dorothy Smith -- Analytic Autoethnography / Leon Anderson -- Comments on Setting Criteria for Experimental Writing / Patricia Ticineto Clough -- Knowing your Place: Gender and Reflexivity in two Ethnographies / Fiona Gill and Catherine Maclean -- Storying Schools: Issues around Attempts to Create a Sense of Feel and Place in Narrative Research Writing / Pat Sikes -- Feminist Ethnography: Storytelling that Makes a Difference / Patricia McNamara -- Quality Issues in Qualitative Inquiry / Clive Seale -- Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Inquiry / Yvonna Lincoln -- New Methods, Old Problems: A Sceptical View of Innovation in Qualitative Research / Max Travers
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Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 001.42 SAG (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.1 Not for loan 007553
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 001.42 SAG (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.2 Not for loan 007554
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 001.42 SAG (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.3 Not for loan 007555
Reference Reference Library, SPAB A-1 Reference Collection 001.42 SAG (Browse shelf(Opens below)) v.4 Not for loan 007556
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Library has Vol. 1-4.
Vol 1 Fundamental issues in quantitative research --
Vol 2 Measurement for causal and statistical inference --
Vol 3 Alternatives to hypothesis testing --
Vol 4 Complex designs for a complex world.

Volume 1 :
A Stranger at the Gate / Nels Anderson --
The Past and the Future of Ethnography / Patricia Adler and Peter Adler --
Ethnography: Post, Past and Present / Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey and Sara Delamont --
The Interactional Study of Organisation / Robert Dingwall and Phil Strong --
Comparative methods in social science / Nigel Fielding and Jane Fielding --
Towards A Peopled Ethnography / Gary Alan Fine --
Beyond Groups / Japonica Brown-Saracino, Jessica Thurk and Gary Alan Fine --
Participant Observation in the Era of 'Ethnography' / Herbert Gans--
On Fieldwork / Erving Goffman --
Erving Goffman's Sociological Legacies / John Lofland --
Field Reality / Jaber Gubrium --
Accessing, waiting, plunging in, wondering and writing: retrospective sense-making of fieldwork / Peter Magolda --
Exchange and Access in Field Work / Paul Gray --
From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 1 / Jack Katz --
From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 2 / Jack Katz --
Reminiscences of Classic Chicago: The Blumer-Hughes Talk / Lyn Lofland --
Towards a Critical Ethnography: A re-examination of the Chicago legacy / Jim Thomas --
Everett C. Hughes and the Development of Fieldwork in Sociology / Jean-Michel Chapoulie --
A Meta-Ethnographic Approach and The Freeman Refutation of Mead / George Noblit and R. Dwight Hare.

Volume 2:
Stability and Flexibility / Patricia Adler and Peter Adler --
Ethnographic Evidence / Michael Agar --
The Hired Hand and the Lone Wolf: Issues in the use of Observers in Large-Scale Program Evaluation / Carl Florez and George Kelling --
Four Ways to Improve the Craft of Fieldwork / Robert Emerson --
'Déjà Entendu': The Liminal Qualities of Anthropological Fieldnotes / Jean Jackson --
Images of recovery: A Photo-Elicitation study / Alan Radley and Diane Taylor --
Educational Ethnography as Performance Art: Towards a Sensuous Feeling and Knowing / Carl Bagley --
Discipline and the Material Form of Images / Michael Lynch --
Understanding Urban Life: The Chicago legacy / Lyn Lofland --
Street Phenomenology: The Go-Along as Ethnographic Research Tool / Margarethe Kusenbach --
"Just another Native?" Soundscapes, Chorasters, and Borderlands in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada / Brett Lashua --
Doing Research in Cyberspace / David Jacobson --
How I Learned What a Crock Was / Howard Becker --
Ten Lies of Ethnography: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research / Gary Alan Fine --
Problems in the Field: Participant Observation and the Assumption of Neutrality / Jeffrey Cohen --
Collecting Data from Elites and Ultra-Elites / Neil Stephens --
The Ubiquity of Ambiguity in Research Interviewing: An Exemplar / Cynthia Cannon Poindexter --
Referencing as Persuasion / Nigel Gilbert --
Contradictions of Feminist Methods / Sherry Gorelick --
Jurors' Use of Judges' Instructions / James Holstein

Volume 3 :
Notes on the Nature and Development of General Theories / Anselm Strauss --
Grounded Theory Method / Merilyn Annells --
Analytic Ordering for Theoretical Purposes /Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss --

Rediscovering Glaser / Kath Melia --
Grounded Theory: Evolving Methods / Linda Robrecht / Premises, Principles and Practices in Qualitative Research: Revisiting the Foundations / Kathy Charmaz --
Two Cases of Ethnography: Grounded Theory and the Extended Case Method / Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans --
Five Misunderstandings about Case-Study Research / Bent Flyvbjerg --
The Personal is Political / Sherryl Kleinman --
Qualitative Data Analysis / Amanda Coffey, Beverly Holbrook and Paul Atkinson --
Qualitative Data Analysis: A Comment on Coffey et al / Raymond Lee and Neil Fielding --
The Art(fulness) of Open-Ended Interviewing: Some Consdiderations on Analysing Interviews / Timothy John Rapley --
Doing Narrative Analysis / Catherine Riessman --
Narrative Turn or Blind Alley? / Paul Atkinson --
Narrative in Social Work: A Critical Review / Catherin Kohler Riessman and Lee Quinney --
The Use of Discovery Accounts / S.W. Woolgar --
Beyond the 'Fetichism of Words': Considerations on the use of the Interview to Gather Chronic Illness Narratives / Nathan Miczo --
'When Discourse is Torn from Reality': Bakhtin and the Principle of Chronotopicity / Stuart Allan --
Having, and Being had by, "Experience": Or, "Experience in the Social Sciences after the Discursive/Poststructuralist Turn" / Bronwyn Davies and Cristyn Davies --
Immersion vs. Analytic Ideals and Appendix / Sherryl Kleinman and Martha Copp --
(No) Trial (but) Tribulations: When Courts and Ethnography Conflict / Rik Scarce

Volume 4:
Whose Side Was Becker On? / Martyn Hammersley --
Handing IRB an Unloaded Gun / Carol Rambo --
Ethics and the Practice of Qualitative Research / Ian Shaw --
'Becoming Participant': Problematizing 'Informed Consent' in Participatory Research with Young People in Care / Emma Renold, Sally Holland, Nicola Ross, and Alexandra Hillman --
Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics / Rose Wiles, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath --
Reembodying Qualitative Inquiry / Margarete Sandelowski --
Gender, Disembodiment and Vocation: Exploring the Unmentionables of British Academic Life / David Mills and Mette Louise Berg --
Ethnographying Public Memory: The Commemorative Genre for the Victims of Terrorism in Italy / Anna Lisa Tota --
Unsettling Engagements / Charles Fruehling Springwood and C. Richard King --
Data Presentation and the Audience / Carol Warren --
Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data Via Secondary Analysis? Notes on some Terminological and Substantive Issues / Martyn Hammersley --
(Re)Using Qualitative Data? / Niamh Moore --
Whose Cornerville is it, anyway? / Norman Denzin --
Trash on the Corner / Laurel Richardson --
The Gold Coast and the Slum Revisited: Paradoxes in Replication Research and the Study of Social Change / Albert Hunter --
Methods of Writing Patriarchy / Dorothy Smith --
Analytic Autoethnography / Leon Anderson --
Comments on Setting Criteria for Experimental Writing / Patricia Ticineto Clough --
Knowing your Place: Gender and Reflexivity in two Ethnographies / Fiona Gill and Catherine Maclean --
Storying Schools: Issues around Attempts to Create a Sense of Feel and Place in Narrative Research Writing / Pat Sikes --
Feminist Ethnography: Storytelling that Makes a Difference / Patricia McNamara --
Quality Issues in Qualitative Inquiry / Clive Seale --
Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Inquiry / Yvonna Lincoln --
New Methods, Old Problems: A Sceptical View of Innovation in Qualitative Research / Max Travers

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