Practical railway engineering /
Clifford F. Bonnett
- 2nd ed.
- London: Imperial College Press, 2005.
- xxi, 190 p.
Include bibliographically references and Index
1. Introduction 2.Station Layout 3.Rolling Stock 4.Depots and Workshops 5.Track 6.Earthworks, Drainage and Fencing 7.Bridges and Structures 8.Tunnels and Tunnelling 9.Electrification 10.Signalling and Train Control 11.Systems and Communications 12.Lifts, Escalators and Pumps 13.Ventilation and Draught Relief 14.Future Trends.
In the new millennium, the transport of people and materials has an even greater significance world-wide than it had in the immediate past. The birth and evolution of railways during the last two centuries has had an enormous influence on industrial, social and economic development.