Iveson, Kurt

Publics and the city / Kurt Iveson - Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. - xii, 251 p. - RGS-IBG book series. .

The problem with public space --
Publics and the city --
Making a claim : the regulation of protest at Parliament House, Canberra --
Cruising : governing beat sex in Melbourne --
Making a name : writing graffiti in Sydney --
"No fun. No hope. Don't belong." : re-making "public space" in neo-liberal Perth --
Justifying exclusion : keeping men out of the ladies' baths, Sydney --
Imagining the public city : concluding reflections.

Publics and the City investigates struggles over the making of urban publics, considering how the production, management and regulation of 'public spaces' has emerged as a problem for both urban politics and urban theory.


City planning-Australia
City planning -- Australia -- Case studies.
Urban policy -- Australia -- Case studies.

307.1216 / IVE-P