Byrne, David

Understanding the urban / by David Byrne - Hampshire : Palgrave MacMillan, 2001. - ix, 220 p.

Includes bibliographical reference and index.

Contents : Introduction--
1. The City at the Beginning of a New Millennium--
2. The genesis and the implications of the Post-industrial city--
3. Locality and Community : the significance of place--
4. Grounding the Global : cities in a world system--
5. The Divided City : the ecology of Postindustrial Places--
6. Culture and the Urban : commodity, understanding and resource--
7. The production and reproduction of the built environment.--
8. Politics and governance in urban places--
Conclusion : the tranjectory of complex cities into the 21st century.

Cities are changing at a rate unparalleled since the industrial revolution and more than half the population of the world now lives in cities compared with less than a quarter in 1950.


Cities and towns
Metropolitan areas
City and town life

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