
Tall building and vertical urbanism A.K.Jain - New Delhi; discovery Publishing House, 2020. - 202p.

Evolution of tall buildings; Vertical urbanism; Zoning regulation for tall building; Engineering of tall structures; construction Technology and Machinery; the floor plate; Environment and health safety; Vertical transportation; Mechanical and Electrical Services and Intelligent system; facade, Glazing and curtain walls; Ecology and Microclimate; Fire Protection and Saftey

The book tall building and vertical urbanism look at the evolution of tall building and their relationship with urban growth, land location, economy, climate and ecology. various iconic and landmark examples explain the context and process. A tall building is not just upscaling of low rise building, but requires altogether a different approach in its design, structure, construction, facade, services, climatic system and safety from fire and other risks. These aspects have been explained in different chapters of the book. The book aims to trigger a debate for radical changes in architecture and urbanism, by the new generation architects, planners, engineers, developers and students.



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