Development Of Village Information System Using Remote Sensing And GIS : a Case Study From Prakasam District / Kavita and M. Anji Reddy - New Delhi: Serials Publications LTD., - Vol 7. Issue 1-2, 2010 (93-107 p. )

The effective information system is necessary to make available all kinds of data related to the village, easily and concisely for planning at micro- level. The main objective of the study is to develop a village information system providing complete information for decision-making based on their existing resources and capabilities. Hence, an'attempt has been made to assess the standard of each infrastructure facility in Karamchedu mandal, Prakasam district. For this purpose, type of housing, roads, water supply and sanitation, electricity, telephone, and Transportation facilities have been identified as the major fields of the basic infrastructure. It also helps in regular updation of database over the time period to ensure better availability of village information. High-resolution satellite data IRS-P6 LISS-IV MX 2006 (5.8 m resolution) has been used for the preparation of large-scale maps on 1:10,000 scale using ARCGIS 9.2. supported with extensive field survey. This information system will be helpful for planners, academicians, geographers, and government officers.


Village information system
Remote sensing