Inder Singh, Anita

Partition of India/ Anita Inder Singh - New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2006. - 91 p.

1. Partitions in an International Perspective
2. The Partition of India: The Questions
3. Background to Partition: The Communal Problem in India
4. The 1937 Elections, the Congress in Office, and the Muslim League without Power
5. India and the War, 1939-41: "Pakistan" is Placed on the Political Agenda
6. The Muslim League makes Progress, 1942-45
7. The Rise of the Muslim League: From the Simla Conference to the-Elections of 1945-46
8. The Cabinet Mission PIan, 1946
9. The Interim Government, Direct Action and Wavell's Breakdown Plan, 1946-47
10. Prelude to Partition: November 1946 to February 1947
11. Divide and Quit


India--Politics and Government

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