Anand, P. B.

Scarcity, entitlements and the economics of water in developing countries / P.B. Anand. - Cheltenham: Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c2007. - viii, 310 p. - New horizons in environmental economics .

1. Introduction--
2. Investigating water 'scarcity'--
3. Access to water supply: achieving the Millennium Development Goal--
4. Sharing water peacefully: understanding transboundary water-resource conflicts--
5. An analysis of a river dispute: interaction of politics and economics--
6. Improving access to water: institutions, entitlements and inequality--
7. Consumer preferences and public policy--
8. Justice, rights and sustainability: access to water and the capability approach--
9. Conclusions and a research agenda; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.

Argues that if water supply and sanitation were mainly problems of technology or financial resources, they would have been resolved long ago. This book ascertains that there are many other factors affecting our ability to intervene and improve the effectiveness of policies. It also examines the availability and use of water resources.

9781843767688 1843767686

Water resources development--Economic aspects--Developing countries.
Water-supply--Economic aspects--Developing countries.
